Winnipeg Flooring Experts


Removing the 5 Most Common Carpet Stains

When you install carpet, you may find yourself stockpiling on carpet stain removers to prepare for the inevitable stains that are going to taint your carpet. Even a home without kids or pets is prone to at least one spill or smudge — it’s just a necessary evil that is a part of having a…

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Choosing Flooring for Your Man Cave or She Shed

All of us need our own safe space, a sanctuary where we can completely relax, an area that’s away from the kids, the dog, and all of life’s responsibilities. A space within, or near, our home that we can invite friends over to and hang out with. Having a designated place to unwind is an…

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The Best Flooring for High-Traffic Areas

This last year, the amount of time spent at home has given a new meaning to the term “high-traffic areas.” The hallways and rooms that maybe only got a little bit of foot action before quarantine are now constantly getting trampled on. This can have quite an effect on your floors, as you can probably…

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Why Take Your Shoes Off At The Door

If you’ve walked around your house barefoot and wondered where all the debris you keep stepping on came from, the answer might be from you. It is normal, and quite common for families to take their shoes off at the door upon entering their home for the sake of hygiene and cleanliness, but there are…

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How to Choose Flooring for Your Home

Choosing the right flooring for your home can be more complicated than simply finding the best-looking product. There are plenty of factors to consider, including the room, family situation, pets, budget, style, ROI (return on investment), home style, lifestyle, and more. These factors can greatly influence your decision and affect your enjoyment of your new…

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